2010년 11월 17일 수요일

What factors of your native culture have informed your religious world view?

 What factors of your native culture have informed your religious world view?

My family would be the main factor of my religious world view. My father has always been a paster, and every Sunday for the last 17 years of my life (except for a handful of times) , I have sitting in the pews waiting for the sermon. To add to that, my mother is a bible teacher at our school, so you could say I am being pressured on both sides to be Christian. Then, my older siblings, I have four, are all much more...free spirited. Being the youngest, I've always wanted to be as cool as my older siblings. I do get nicer clothes and more cool technology amongst other things that my siblings didn't get. At the same time, mum and dad wont let me drive as early as my older siblings, or run around as late. Not nearly as late. So you could say I have been in sort of a middle ground between wishing to be like my older siblings and kept under tight wraps by the parents. 

The next factor I would say would be what is considered normal. Where I lived, rural southern culture in general tells people to accept the norms of life (I cannot say for other places, but I think it is probably similar). Taylor Swift and Eminem are "normal" so I should listen to them. Christianity is the "norm" so I should "say" I am Christian if I really dont have an opinion. At least, that is what I've come to see from many people and stereotypes

The normal where I lived would be to disregard Islam because they are all bombers and sadists. That is making a generalization before I even get to understand what the religion teaches. Do I personally agree with Islam? No, I dont, but it isn't my job to tell people they are wrong. I do not have to agree with Islam, but as long as they are not shoving their beliefs down my throat they can be tolerated.

I dont understand why people feel this need to be right or wrong. My right, doesn't have to mean you are wrong, it just means I think a certain way and disagree with you. Yes, it is postmodern and I agree with it. Which is my last factor in what has formed by religious world view. I wouldn't say I am a postmodernist. I am not nearly that well educated in its type of thinking to say that. However, I agree with many of the main points and beliefs, but not all. One major contributor of postmodernism believed someone could have an answer and think it completely true and correct, and at the same time think it to be false. No, I think thats a load of....falseness. 

So, my family, my location and its stereotypes/norms, and postmodernism have all effected my religious world view. 

댓글 2개:

  1. Interesting thoughts Caleb. Sometimes as a young person - the hardest thing to do it to wait... growing up is great but gaining a sense of self and responsibility takes time. Your parents do have your best interests at heart - they will allow you to become who you want to be - just enjoy their care and love.

  2. Hello Caleb!

    I have to agree with Mrs.McAllister, interesting post..However I can very well relate to the story about your hometown, I too live in a small town where the main stereotype is that a good person has to Christian, and hypocrites are regulars.I understand that you want to break free from your parents, like we have talked about many times, but always think that you will be your own individual no matter what. I think that once you are "free" you may actually miss them acutely. Nice Post,I like how personal and honest you made it.
